重庆大学加拿大校友会 - CQUAA -Chongqing University Alumni Association (Canada)

重庆大学加拿大校友会-CQUAA:Chongqing University Alumni Association(Canada) 是一个在加拿大联邦政府注册的非盈利机构。校友会以中国重庆大学校友为会员,以“联系母校、联络校友、互相关怀、互娱互乐、共同发展”为宗旨,于2002年在多伦多成立,目前已拥有会员350余人,会员覆盖加拿大东西两岸。十余年来在与母校互动,学术交流,介绍中国政治经济现状,捐款赈灾,加国创业经验交流,信息共享及文化娱乐等方面进行了卓有成效的工作,并组织了十余种内容丰富、主题鲜明的大、中型活动。
The CQUAA - Chongqing University Alumni Association (Canada) is a non-profit organization registered under the federal government of Canada. With members primarily from Chongqing University in China, the association's mission is to "maintain ties with the alma mater, connect alumni, foster mutual care and entertainment, and promote collective growth". Founded in Toronto in 2002, the association now boasts over 350 members spanning both the eastern and western coasts of Canada. Over the past decade, the association has engaged in productive efforts in interacting with the alma mater, academic exchanges, introducing the political and economic conditions of China, donating to disaster relief, exchanging entrepreneurial experiences in Canada, information sharing, and cultural entertainment. Moreover, they have organized over ten large to medium-sized events with rich content and distinct themes.


The board of the CQUAA as follows:
Honorary Presidents: Jia Qiang, Ma Zhiyu, Li Jun, Li Guixian, Li Qi.
President: Luo Dan
Executive Presidents: Li Meng, Jiang Xiaonei, Yan Guangyu, Zhou Haitao, Jian Chunyun
Vice Presidents: Lan Lin, Yang Xiaozhong, Peng Xiaomu, Xiang Chunting
Secretary-General: He Jianyu
Deputy Secretary-General: Jiang Senqing
Board Members: Luo Dan, Li Meng, Jiang Senqing, Wang Hongyi, He Jianyu, Lan Lin, Jiang Xiaonei, Yang Xiaozhong, Peng Xiaomu, Zhuang Zhi, Chen Zixin, Yan Guangyu, Zhou Haitao, Jian Chunyun, Xiang Chunting, Zhang Yulong, Su Bin, Wang Wenlong, Deng Guangrong, Chen Yafu, Xie Ping, Alice


The Chongqing University Alumni Association in Canada warmly welcomes alumni from all over Canada to visit each other and strengthen their ties. At the same time, alumni from all around the world are also cordially invited to visit Canada.

电子邮件/Email: info@cquaa.ca
网址/Website: http://www.cquaa.ca
联系电话/Contact:Luo Dan 1-647-8667-6928,  江森清 Jiang Senqing 18602870089

Alumni Association Charter (In Chinese, Google Drive)

Alumni Association Charter (In Chinese, Baidu Yunpan)
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K_uLQb12Mzp_K_pAsLuz_w 提取码: 4y8i 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦

重庆大学加拿大校友会微信群及常用通联微信号 / WeChat Group


重庆大学加拿大校友会温哥华微信群(请扫江森清微信号拉入)/ CQUAA Wechat Group for Vancouver Members


重大加拿大校友会微信公众号 / CQUAA's WeChat Official Account
